I Believe Even When…

I, and perhaps many of you, am struggling these days to be still and to experience God’s abiding presence amid the tumult and tribulations of daily life. Many know all too well the bitter divisions that have taken root in communities around the world and in our congregations. Our world is deeply fragmented and bitterly divided. Yet, in the face of all that seeks to keep us apart, we persist. We also move forward together in faith trusting that the One who equips and sends us out to be the church together also accompanies us.

Disruption and adaptation aptly characterize the response of so many as we navigate the obstacles to shared ministry. In person companion synod visitations have been supplemented by more frequent Zoom meetings, engaged social media posts, and ongoing conversations among mission partners regarding future ministry opportunities.

The determined persistence of so many reminds me of a beautiful poem written by Jews in hiding during World War II. The powerful statement of faith recorded in the face of unspeakable evil reads:

I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining.

I believe in love, even when I don’t feel it.                       

I believe in God, even when God is silent.

Amid all that seeks to divide God’s beloved children, may we too find the strength to trust that GOD WITH US IS. And then, living into this reality, may each of us move forward into the future confident that God is at work reconciling, healing, and bringing divided communities, nations, and peoples into communion with the God of life and love. This reality, notes Genevieve Glenn, O.S.B., is the unity for which Jesus prayed, lived, died – and for which he works still.