Living Generously

November is called the “Month of Living Generously” for good reason. It is a time when we celebrate the blessings in our lives; recognizing that ours is a God of abundance who provides not only enough, but enough to share.

Given the hectic nature of our lives these days it is easy to forget that in Christ we encounter a Savior who does not withhold anything from us. Sadly, however, we do. We hold back out of fear. Perhaps we worry that what we have to offer is not enough. Or maybe we hold back because we buy into the world’s prevailing ethic of scarcity.

Remember, we can always choose a different response. We can commit ourselves to responding to God’s activity in our lives with grateful generosity. We can begin by asking, “Do I live my life guided by an ethic of scarcity or an ethic of abundance?” People who live into the reality of God’s abundance do so out of gratitude, a habit of awareness that reshapes our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. In other words, we can choose to be grateful and establish practices that develop into a lifelong habit. In the process we may find ourselves becoming happier, healthier, and more generous people.

Robert Ketchum, in his essay “I Shall Not Want,” writes about a four-year-old child, who when given the opportunity to recite Psalm 23 from memory, confidently walks to the front of the room and announces: “The Lord is my shepherd, that’s all I want.” Like the four-year-old who confidently trusts in God’s abundance, generous people gladly share their blessings of time, talents, and treasure with others. They look beyond themselves. Their gracious giving is a faithful response to all that God has given them.

As we gather with friends and loved ones this Thanksgiving holiday may God help all of us, no matter where we currently find ourselves in our respective generosity journeys, to look for ways to not only count our blessings, but to be intentional about sharing them. As you engage in this process, take time to ponder the following question: “Who modeled a life of generosity for you?” And then, when you are ready, follow their example.

Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina Food Photographer/Stylist on